Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Song for Today [#426]

Depois do afamado álbum de 2007- Night Falls Over Kortedala, o desaparecido sueco Jens Lenkman parece estar de regresso. Não há perspectiva de novo álbum ainda, mas podemos contar com uma música nova. Nas palavras do próprio: It's a song of hope. When love turns it's back on you it's nice to know there's a world out there that doesn't give a shit about your problems. That forces you to keep your head held high and move on. A world that is fragile and beautiful. Maybe it can sound cold to some of you, but let me make it clear that I believe in love, I just get so wrapped up in it sometimes that I need to put it into proportion. It's something you have to do a lot when you're Jens Lekman.(link)

Jens Lenkman, The End of the World is Bigger Than Love

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